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Something like a list of bookmarks, something like a list of recommendations. Ever expanding.

Have a gander.


exoplanet planets of other star systems and how to find them
deep impact (spacecraft) a space probe that shot a comet to see what would happen (pics inside)
rosetta (spacecraft) a space probe that delivered another probe that landed on a comet
protoplanetary disk what predates planets
HR 8799 the first directly imaged extrasolar planetary system
PAD emotional state model an intuitive spatial model for emotions


neutral milk hotel indie rock
mimicking birds indie rock
きのこ帝国 (early) shoegaze (late) rock
listener indie spoken word
mogwai post rock
explosions in the sky post rock
gregory and the hawk indie rock
have a nice life experimental post-punk
giles corey experimental post-punk
iron & wine indie folk


vim editor
stellarium planetarium
anki srs
i3-gaps tiling window manager
gcolor2 color picker
gimp image editor


the long way to a small, angry planet by becky chambersspace travel and friendship
the sequelAI and friendship
contact by carl saganthey're out there
warriorsa very long and fast series about cats


MAST Kepler open database from NASA's Kepler and K2 missions
cassini's grand tournational geographic tour of NASA's Cassini mission
waitbutwhy.com neat blog man
graffiti from pompeii Secundus likes to screw boys.
list of recommended GNU/Linux software if you're leet
GNU/Linux ricing if you're super leet
library genesis "free" books and papers
gentoomen library "free" prog/tech books
lainzinecyberweeb ezine
all music is unbearableneat music showcase site, hasn't been updated in two years however, but very cool